Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Working on Our Mini Me

Today we had to fill in the missing numbers in a hundreds chart. Some of us noticed patterns while we completed our work. During our Brain Break, we practiced counting by 2s. Do you remember how to count by 5s?
Later we began to work on our mini me cut out. We finished the day with a game of Pizza in the gym. 
Monday, June 23, 2014

What movie would you like to watch?

What movie would you like to watch? free polls 

More Animals!

Dolphins by Angelina
Sea Horses by Amelia
Beluga Whales by Ava G.
Belugas by Ava D.
Cheetahs by Farzaan

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Woo! Hoo!

St. Cecilia raised almost $5500 dollars for Jump Rope for Heart!  Way to go!

More Inferring with the Ipad

We really love to show our understanding of a reading strategy with the ipad.  Today, we made more Inferring Photostories.  Check them out below!

Inferring with a Photostory

Using one of our favourite ipad apps, Piccollage, students created Inferring Photostories.  See if you can figure out what is going on in the pictures!  Don't forget to use the clues in the pictures and your background knowledge:)

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