Monday, September 30, 2013

Awesome Adjectives and Counting Backwards

Check out our Word Wall Words at Spelling City.  Take some time to check out the games to help reinforce spelling our word wall words.  We have been looking at adjectives and how they make our writing 'juicy' and 'spicy'.  We are working on a 'Goodbye/Hello' piece of writing that includes adjectives. In Grade two, students need to know how to count backwards from 50.  We were really busy today and did not get a chance to practice in class.  Here is a video to practice counting backwards from 100!

In Science, we watched a video about the properties of matter.  Look at all the things we learned!

Our read-aloud today was a fantastic book called 'One'.  The students really liked it and made lots of connections to their lives.  It was also easy to see the author's message:)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

What's the Matter?

We have just started our science unit...Matter!  Check out this cute video that explains the states of matter:)

What about a song about Matter?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Letter Recognition and Learning to Read

I just love this site!

Another great site is Starfall for learning to read with a phonics-based approach.  Enjoy!
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ava!

An expectation for Grade Two is the ability to count by 2s to 200.  Watch the video and see if you can count by 2s beyond 100.  Do you notice a pattern?  
We read the book "I Miss Franklin P. Shuckles" and made lots of DEEP connections to our lives.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our Schema and Nouns

A few days ago, we learned about what schema is. We all have a schema that helps us to understand and make connections to books we are reading. Our schema is constantly growing and changing. Using your schema means thinking about what we already know, what is already inside your brain. When we teach our students to use their schema, it gets them excited about reading and learning and helps build their comprehension, making it easier for them to understand a book. Here is a peek at our class schema...sorry the 'heads' are sideways!

Our Schema on PhotoPeach

We have also been learning about nouns...and adjectives!  Nouns are a person, place or thing.  Today, we read the book "If I were a Noun" and we brainstormed nouns in our groups.

Place Value and 10 More, 10 Less

We have been exploring place value and using base ten.  Here is a great game to explore numbers and their 'value'.

Place Value

Great game to practice adding/subtracting ten!
100 Hunt Plus 10
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Punctuation Day

It is National Punctuation Day in the United States but...why do they get to have all the fun?
Check here to join in on the party!

Monday, September 23, 2013


Did you know that a noun is a person, place or thing?  Check out this video!

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Counting by 5s

Quick reminder!  Book orders are due tomorrow.  I will be placing the order this weekend:)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Happy Birthday, Ilica!

        Happy birthday, Ilica!    

If you were unable to visit our class tonight, here is the video we made for the parents.  Enjoy!

Program Night 2013                                          

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Important Book

Today for our Read Aloud, we read the book by Margaret Wise Brown called...'The Important Book'.  First, I modeled what was important about me and then the students had a chance to write about themselves.  Later, we created 'mini' selves to go along with our writing.  Be sure to check it out on Wednesday night.
Friday, September 13, 2013

Hannah's Amazing Feat and Scholastic Book Orders

As promised yesterday...heeeeeeeeere's Hannah!

You will find this month's book order in your child's agenda.  If you would like to order, please make cheques payable to Scholastic Canada.

September Lucky

How many number sentences can you make using 13?
example:  7 + 6 = 13

Next week, we will be doing our 'homework' in class in preparation for when it will actually go home!  Enjoy the weekend!
Thursday, September 12, 2013


Today, we read the book 'Chrysanthemum' by Kevin Henkes.  Your child has brought home some homework for mom and dad.  You will find it in the front pocket of their agenda.  Please return on Monday.  Thanks in advance for taking part in this great sharing opportunity. Also...we have a skip-it champ in our classroom!  Take a look at Hannah...

Technical difficulties...please stand by...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Golden Rule, Gym and the Number Game

Today, we continued to talk about the 'Golden Rule' and wrote about ways we can show the rule in our daily life.  We also learned a new game in gym called 'Conspiracy'.  At the end of the day, we played the 'Number Game' and Cam was the winner.  It was a close one, Annabelle!  A school newsletter was sent home today...please check in the front pocket of the agenda:)

Here are some of our beautiful entries in our Religion notebooks!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Class Rules

Today, we read the book 'The Golden Rule' and then got into our groups to brainstorm 5 rules for our classroom.  Tomorrow, we will write a Grade 2 Pledge together using the ideas from our group brainstorming.  Here is a peek at some of the great rules our class came up with:

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013

Keep calm...

On Thursday, we read the book "Have You Filled A Bucket Today?"  It talks about ways we can be bucket "fillers" (being kind, making someone feel special...) or being bucket "dippers" (making fun of someone, excluding...).  Being a bucket filler is easy to do and doesn't cost any money. We are lucky to have a class full of bucket fillers. This week I have seen students hold doors open for others and help students tie their shoes.  One of our classmates always goes out of his way to tidy up the class without being asked. Teachers love to have their buckets filled with smiling, helpful and kind students who care for each other and their classroom.  Keep up the wonderful bucket filling, Grade Twos!  Your bucket can never be too full!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reading and Relaxing

Please remember to return the Student Information Sheet and the Newsletter video permission page.  Take a minute to check us out reading in the classroom today!

Reading and Relaxing on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day Two

Today we talked about making appropriate (good) choices and wrote about how we felt on our first day of school.  We will be making a class book when everyone is finished!  We found out who Sarah Jane Hartwell was...and guess what...nobody guessed who she actually was. Stay tuned for pictures of our book.  Don't forget to sign the agenda each night. Check out a video version of the book 'First Day Jitters'...

Our Classroom

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