Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

If Jesus Came to Visit Me...

Another Gami and Counting Strategies

Here is Anyuan's Gami about his weekend!

Today, the groups were given counters to sort and count.  They were given no direction in how to do this but it was interesting to see how they decided to group the counters.  Some groups sorted into groups of 5, others groups of 10 and some tried to group them in 2s.  We made an anchor chart together about the strategies we used to figure out how many counters we had in our pile.  Tomorrow, we will continue figuring out the easiest way to count objects...efficiently!
Sorting into groups of 10

Sorting into groups of 2

Sorting into groups of 5 and then 10

Groups of 5

Stacking into groups of 10

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hoot and Howl and Spelling!

Be sure to check your email...I have sent the NSN (Number Sense and Numeration) Quiz 2 to your mailboxes...please let me know if you did not get it:)

This week's spelling list can be found at Spelling City.  Make sure you try some of the games to practice your new words.  They are words that have the short 'e' sound in them:)

If you haven't got your pumpkin yet and would like to carve a pumpkin, here is a great site to practice your skills Pumpkin Carving

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Today, we worked on turning 'blah' sentences into 'wow' sentences.  We learned about adverbs and how they help or add to a verb. After, we had made our super sentence, we created gamis using the Tellagami app.  Unfortunately, the school ipads did not allow me to email them to myself to share with everyone.  I am hoping to figure out how to fix this problem.  The gamis that I heard were...AMAZING!! A special shout out to all the friends in the class who went the extra mile (or km) to clean up the classroom.  You really are a wonderful group of children and my bucket was filled to the top!  Cameron came to school today with a song about vowels that his mom had taught him.  What an awesome singer and a great song to help us remember our vowels!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Our Solid Inquiry, Counting by 25s and Visualizing

Yesterday we looked at the properties of some solids. Here are some of our observations:

 Please check out our Spelling City site for games to play using this week's spelling words! We made a short video on counting by 25s too...we needed the practice! Counting By 25s  Later, we listened to the story "The Paperboy" by Dav Pilkey and used it for visualization.

  Here are some of the things we saw...

The Paperboy-Visualization on PhotoPeach
Monday, October 21, 2013

Rounding Numbers

Please bring headphones this week if you have not brought them in previously:)
Please check your email for student work posted on three ring:)

Today we started learning about rounding numbers to the nearest ten.  It seems pretty easy peasy!  We watched this cute video that helped explain what rounding is all about. We also used my 'minivan' to figure out which gas station was closer...
We also made a video about how to sit properly on the carpet.

Here is another gami about the weekend! Thank you Hannah for helping the class make their gamis!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Association for Bright Children

Association for Bright Children is holding Saturday morning enrichment programs for kids 6-14...

More Journal Gami's and Mixing Colours

Today, we mixed the primary colours and ta-da! They turned into secondary colours! What are the secondary colours you ask?  Purple, orange and green:)
We also explored solids and examined them with a magnifying glass.  A crystal, an orange and sugar were all part of our exploration!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thanks, Anyuan

In our journal today, we wrote about our Thanksgiving weekend.  We made an anchor chart to help us write a super recount!
Yes...I's sideways:(

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Adjective Adventure

Did you know that an adjective describes a noun?  Test your adjective skills with Adjective Adventure!
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Farzaan and Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy birthday, Farzaan!  Hope you have a 'turkey'rific birthday weekend!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving.  I will be running the Fall Colours marathon on Sunday and returning to make a turkey dinner!!

Today, we had Thanksgiving-themed centres that included making cards and turkeys.  Check us out!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chocolate and Butter Experiment

Today we did our first experiment with two solids- chocolate and butter.  We wanted to know which solid would melt first.  We made our predictions (2 friends thought the chocolate would melt first, 12 friends chose butter).  The heat from the sun was used to melt the two solids.  Our classroom does not get a lot of sun so we moved them to the hot learning commons.  It did not take long for the butter to completely melt.  The chocolate started to get soft the longer it stayed by the window.  So...what did we learn?  Heat can change a solid into a liquid.  What would happen if we put the 'liquids' into the fridge?  Angelina hypothesized that the melted butter would take the shape of the container when it hardened.  I am off to put the butter and chocolate into the fridge!  We also made turkey feathers for our 'naked' turkey!  Photos to follow...check the tweets to see our experiment:)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
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