Monday, June 23, 2014

What movie would you like to watch?

What movie would you like to watch? free polls 

More Animals!

Dolphins by Angelina
Sea Horses by Amelia
Beluga Whales by Ava G.
Belugas by Ava D.
Cheetahs by Farzaan

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Woo! Hoo!

St. Cecilia raised almost $5500 dollars for Jump Rope for Heart!  Way to go!

More Inferring with the Ipad

We really love to show our understanding of a reading strategy with the ipad.  Today, we made more Inferring Photostories.  Check them out below!

Inferring with a Photostory

Using one of our favourite ipad apps, Piccollage, students created Inferring Photostories.  See if you can figure out what is going on in the pictures!  Don't forget to use the clues in the pictures and your background knowledge:)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Little Ray's Reptiles, Animals and Incredibox

Today, Little Ray's Reptiles visited our classroom.  We got to see (and touch) a turtle, a frog, a snake (or 2) and many other animals.  It was a great end to the day.  Stay tuned for Ava D's movie about the visit!
We continue to work on our animal presentations.  Please check them out (and leave a comment too).

Today we became conductors of human beatboxes!  Check out our awesome creations!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014

Music, Healthy Eating and Mice!

Today, we played music like Jimmy Fallon.  Using our meager classroom instruments, we transformed our room into a jam session.

If you have any instruments (ex: xylophone, maracas) please bring them in for another awesome jam session later this week!

We have been learning about healthy eating and the four food groups.  Tomorrow, Mason's mom, who is a registered dietician, will be visiting our class.  We will be making a healthy snack...can't wait!  
Ariane made a cute video about an animal she knew a lot about...a mouse!

Friday, June 6, 2014

We Love Animals

Here are some more animal paragraphs (with a tech twist)!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Animal Paragraphs continued...

Some of the students have been using Chatter PIX to present their animals.  ChatterPIX only allows you to record your voice for thirty seconds.  If a student is cut off it is because their time ran out.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Jump Rope this Thursday

Please return pledges as soon as possible!  Wear RED on Thursday too!

Monday, June 2, 2014

More Animals

Check out Griffin's Wolf Presentation here! Or his Chatterpix about sea snakes! Also, AnYuan made a video about his favourite animal- the Peregrine Falcon.

Saturday, May 31, 2014


You can find the spelling words, as well as some games, at Spelling City!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Animal Paragraphs and App Combo

Today, I decided to let a few students, who had finished writing two descriptive paragraphs about animals, the chance to test drive an app for the class.  Using Piccollage and 30 Hands, Mason and Andy created a visual and oral presentation on their animals.  Please make a comment if you get a chance.  I think they did a wonderful job and will be able to help other students who would like to use these two apps to present their animals. Thanks in advance!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


We have begun our new reading comprehension unit on inferring.  Take a look at some of the anchor charts we are using in our classroom...
Today, we watched the short movie "Pigeon: Impossible".  We were able to come up with so many inferences based on what we saw in the video and our schema (background knowledge).  The movie does not have any words so we had to figure out the story using inferences.  If you want to look at the movie again...check it out below!

We are definitely going to have to watch this video again...there are so many clues!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spelling and Jump Rope for Heart

You can find spelling activities for this weeks words here! On June 5th, St. Cecilia will have their first annual Jump Rope for Heart event (weather permitting) outside in the yard.  Good weather and great music will be combined for a wonderful block of fitness! We will have a rain date on the following Monday.  Students have been practicing their skipping skills both in gym and outside at recess.  I am very impressed with how they have progressed and how much they enjoy skipping!  After a skipping session, their hearts are beating and their faces are red...a good sign of a great workout.  Please donate for a good cause and to celebrate all the jumping our class has been doing over the past month.  Stay tuned for some videos celebrating our hard work!
Friday, May 23, 2014

Temperature using a Thermometer

Want to practice temperature?  Check out these sites!  HAVE FUN!

Interactive Thermometer
Thermometer Game
Study Jams

Who knew?

Animal Growth and Change

We are well into our unit on animals, researching and learning about the different classes of animals.  Ava D's mealworm has now begun to turn into a darkling beetle. Take a close look at the video on the left of the page!
Do you know the 5 ways that scientists classify animals? They are:

Jessica made a Piccollage about one of her favourite animals...the Vampire Squid...sounds scary!
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Animal Growth and Changes

We are well into our unit on animals, researching and learning about the different classes of animals.  Ava D's mealworm has now begun to turn into a darkling beetle.

Jessica made a Piccollage about one of her favourite animals...the Vampire Squid!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


On Friday, we were asked "What do animals need to live?" and "How do scientists classify animals?"  Most of us agreed that animals need food, water and shelter to survive.

Today, we enjoyed watching a short video about classifying animals.
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bring Back the Wild

St. Cecilia had a special presentation from "Bring Back the Wild".  Here are some of the posters the class made to show how much we care for animals!

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