Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year!

Special thanks to Angelina and AnYuan for teaching us how to make a Chinese lantern!
Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Water Cycle

Did you know that your glass of water is as old as the dinosaurs?  We have been learning about the Water Cycle.  Here is a great song that teaches us all about the cycle!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Adding Big Numbers with Base Ten


Reading Comprehension

We are learning about answering questions from a text.  We need to practice answering in complete sentences.  Check out Turtle Diary for some stories to read...

Snowsuit Challenge and Measuring with Non-Standard and Standard Units

We are trying to beat these kids at getting dressed!  They are really fast!  We are also learning about using a ruler to measure objects in the classroom.  Did you know that 1m = 100cm?  
Friday, January 24, 2014

Zacchaeus and more movies!

God's Story: Zacchaeus from Crossroads Kids' Club on Vimeo.
Today we listened to the story of Zacchaeus.  Zacchaeus was a mean tax collector that nobody liked very much...except for Jesus!  Jesus wanted Zac to become a better man and he did!  Check out this cute video about the story...

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Our Popplet

How is wind created and how do we use it? Groups were asked to brainstorm answers to the question and here is what they came up here!

Creating a Survey Question

Today we created our survey question for our final data management activity.  We visited Ms. Lawless' class and polled the grade ones. Tomorrow we will take our data and create either a bar graph or a pictograph.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Thank you AnYuan, Farzaan and Angie for making this cute and informative video about using our compost bin!
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Practice, Practice, Practice

I found a great site to practice basic math's fun and it's free!  Check it out here!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bar Graphs and Pictographs

Watch this great video about bar graphs and here! Still want to learn more about here too!  Another great video we watched can be seen here.
The other day, the class broke up into groups to brainstorm what they knew about air and water (what they are and why they are important?) We knew that people and animals breathe air but what do fish actually breathe in the water?  Found the answer here!

Graph Anchor Chart

Today, we had an assessment of how well we knew bar graphs and sorting using a venn diagram.  We are continuing to look at pictographs and will be introduced to line plots:)  We need to practice using mathematical language like "more ___ than" and "less____ than".
Monday, January 13, 2014

Homework, Handwashing and Science

This weeks homework is all about the long "i" sound and the bossy "e"! Please go to Spelling City to practice your words and play games. Remember to do your best printing as it is sometimes hard to read your work.  Take a look below at quality homework by Ava G. and Farzaan.  It rocks!

Oops! You get the idea though!

Today we brainstormed how to wash our hands properly.  This is what we came up with:
We have just started our new science unit...Air and Water.  We brainstormed why we need air and water...why they are important.  Here is what we have come up with so far!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tiger Math

Today we began to read the book Tiger Math.  What a great book to incorporate both math and language! We continue to practice writing a retell using a Shape Go Map.  This afternoon we read the book Penguin Wants to Fly and each group was responsible for a part of the map. Don't forget homework is due tomorrow!  Many students have told me their resolution this year is to do their best work and to work really hard!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Interpreting Graphs and January Newsletter

We are continuing to look at different kinds of graphs in math class.  If you want to practice interpreting graphs check here.
We also checked out Graph and Tally Games today.
Please read the January Newsletter:)
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Long O and Homework

This week's spelling focuses on the Long 'o' sound.  Please check out the cute video to learn more about the sound that long 'o' makes.  Today, we worked on writing about our Christmas Holiday, remembering to use sequencing words (First, Next, Then...) while recounting our vacation.  In Math, we have been exploring gathering data and representing it in graphs.  Don't forget that homework is due this Friday.  A lot of the kids are working very hard to produce their best work in class so hopefully they will also show you what they are capable of at home:)  Let's hope for some warmer temperatures so everyone can get outside at recess tomorrow.  Thank goodness for Brain Breaks and gym!
Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to a new year! This week, our homework program will start up again.  You can find the spelling words at Spelling City.