Monday, April 7, 2014

We Create Change

Thought I would pass this on from the Grade 6 Team at St. Cecilia:

Grade 6 Team

Let’s create change with St. Cecilia’s “We Create Change” coin drive.
For our Lenten Project, the Grade 6 students will be running the "We Create Change" coin drive from Wednesday, March 26 to Tuesday, April 15. The fundraiser is part of the Free the Children’s Year of Education initiative to build 200 schools and improve access to education in developing communities around the globe. For every $20 in coins collected, we can provide a brick for the construction of a new school. All students are asked to bring in spare change into their classroom where it will be deposited into their cardboard schoolhouse coin box. The top two classrooms that bring in the most change will enjoy a free pizza lunch. With the help of St Cecilia’s community, we can work together to do our part in breaking the cycle of poverty by empowering a generation of children to make change for themselves.
As an extension to the “We Create Change” initiative, Grade 6 students will also be organizing, constructing, and running their own “Cardboard Arcade” on Tuesday, April 15. Students in all grades will have an opportunity to go to the gym and play various “Midway” type games created out of recycled cardboard. We are asking students to contribute 25 cents per play towards this great cause. The extra money will be added to the total money collected for the "We Make Change" coin drive. We thank you in advance for helping us provide impoverished children with the gift of education one coin, one brick, one school at a time.